A RoadMap?
Well, I've been asked about a roadmap for VBCorLib. To be honest I haven't given it much thought. I pretty much just used the .NET mscorlib as a guide for what to implement in my library and stopped there.
The library itself compiles to about 2.5 megs. I am hesitant to expand on the library's functionality to keep the size down. If I were to start adding functionality I would most likely start another library that depends on VBCorLib. But as it stands I really don't have any plans in the works.
I've been quite busy with work related projects. I do use VBCorLib in those projects and have become quite dependant upon it.
So in order for either VBCorLib to be expanded or a new library to emerge then I would need both time and a direction, and at the moment I have neither. Of course everyone is welcome to send me suggested functionality just incase a new library is started.
The library itself compiles to about 2.5 megs. I am hesitant to expand on the library's functionality to keep the size down. If I were to start adding functionality I would most likely start another library that depends on VBCorLib. But as it stands I really don't have any plans in the works.
I've been quite busy with work related projects. I do use VBCorLib in those projects and have become quite dependant upon it.
So in order for either VBCorLib to be expanded or a new library to emerge then I would need both time and a direction, and at the moment I have neither. Of course everyone is welcome to send me suggested functionality just incase a new library is started.
Is there any function as like as System.Attribute and System.Reflection? I like to read all properties, methods from exe written in VB6.
Best Regards,
Michael Sync
You can reach me with this address [mchlSync@yahoo.com]
Anonymous, at 11/21/2005 6:10 AM
Kelly, I have just discovered your library and it's really impressive. I still do a lot of VB6 work as it's what I know best and i still think it's easier to get an app up and running quickly compared to .NET, but maybe that's just me.
When you say you don't want to increase the size of the runtime, couldn't you get around this by releasing new add-ons as separate libraries? Or even split up the existing library into separate dlls(IO, Collections, String etc.). I'm sure there would be valid reasons not to do this, but the benefit of only having to package libraries that are used in an application would be very attractive for ISV's or anyone looking to keep their install set's small...
Also, Am I correct in presuming the only dependencies for the core library are the vb runtime files?
Anonymous, at 11/24/2005 5:43 PM
Hello Andrew,
I have thought about additional libraries for sure. And I look at what .NET does in the different libraries to give me ideas. When I have more time I'm sure I'll dig deep into the System.dll of .NET and see what's what.
And yes, the VB runtimes are all that is depended on, almost. There is a VBCultures.nlp file that VBCorLib accesses. It contains all of the regional settings for the supported cultures, which there are 204 I believe.
Kelly Ethridge, at 11/27/2005 6:46 PM
Thanks for the feedback kelly and best of luck with the project - let me know if you want some help with the coding anytime... if i come up with any additions i'll send them on!
Anonymous, at 11/29/2005 5:32 AM
I certianly will keep that in mind. Do you have any particular area of expertise?
Kelly Ethridge, at 11/30/2005 11:49 PM
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Anonymous, at 3/20/2010 3:57 PM
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