VBCorLib for VB6

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Bad Day - But Getting Better

Lots going on...

Of course it would happen while I'm hammering out code. My laptop drive decided it was going to have a heat releated problem. I spent an evening (until 6am) diagnosing the problem. Nothing like getting core dumps in the middle of work. I couldn't believe it, the harddrive actually would fail after running for a few minute. I varified the harddrive was the culprit by replacing it with a cheap-o drive. Everything worked perfectly.

So now I've been salvaging the files in small chunks between cooldown periods for the drive. So I've had an adventure. New drive ordered!

So anyways, VBCorLib has had some major changes that will make it incompatible with the currently available version. The single most impactful change is the interface name of cObject to IObject. Some function signatures have been extended to give more benifit. Internally, the error handling has been updated to be more robust, especially with optional arguments. Most of the optional arguments have been converted to a Variant to help with the robustness.

I've added some functions to classes, such as an AppendQuick function for the StringBuilder that is optimized for pure speed. Also, a NewArray function was added to the public functions so the cArray object does not need to be referenced.

I'm looking into how to create a resource writer for the .RES files. And I'm considering adding multi-threading into the mix. Documentation is being updated aswell.

So, there are lots of changes that are being made. This is basically the final stages of the library. This will probably be released as a version 1.5, since so many things will have changed.

Working hard,
- Kelly


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